About us

NAFPRO is an app for small businesses, helping you find and support black-owned businesses in your area. Our mission is to promote and encourage the development of small business in South Africa. Easily discover new places to support and search for specific products or

Our mission is to promote and encourage the development of small business in South Africa. Easily discover new places to support and search for specific products or services.

The NAFPRO app will be supported by the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NAFCOC).

NAFCOC is one of the largest business chambers in South Africa with representation in all 9 provinces, all regions and local municipality levels of South Africa.

Find the business nearest you through location service

Discover more trusted local businesses and professionals online

Easily create a listing for your business

Reliable listings with updated, checked and verified contact details

Search for both brick and mortar and online based businesses you can support.

Search different categories

The Nafpro app has B2C and B2B use. Boost your business and gain exposure to over 2 million members. It’s time to invest in small business. That starts by supporting the black businesses right in your backyard.